in the beginning was the word

published in 2014 on my tumblr

In the beginning was the Word is probably one of the few phrases of the Bible that I wholeheartedly believe. I do not doubt for a minute that words have the power to shape the world and that it was words that have always done so. Words that have struck a chord, that have lighted a spark, that have lit up inspiration, have brought about enlightenment or unleashed fear – but always words.

And it is always words that shape who we become as people – or lack thereof. It is the praise, the scolding, the scoff, the quiet reassurance, the cheering and the silence that prompt us to act and react. And it is just as often words as it is gestures that make or break a day.

I acknowledge and respect the power of words over the mind and the heart of people, me included. And I respect and admire those who can wield words skillfully. If the esteem and admiration go deeper than being focused on this mere skill depends on the sort of blade they form in their hands and the cause for which it is wielded. Some of my favourite abstract people in the world (that is, people that are not given the palpable reality of a flesh and bone existence in my daily interactions) are Storytellers that weave words to touch the soul and Champions of Causes, brandishing words as lances.

Yes, you might say that I am a believer of words. I don an armour made of words to shield the vulnerable insides of my mind and heart and I wield words as a tool and a weapon alike, to bring smiles to some and keep at bay others, though sometimes I feel poorly equipped for either task. So… perhaps I am more of a disciple.

This is the land of a thousand words
But it seems so few are worth the breath to say
Sit doubting looking after my own worth
And you just keep on saving the day

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