gonna be alright

published in 2015 on my tumblr (edits in red)

This guy was showing the kids how to rock on right, as everyone was snapping pictures of them. Judging by the amount of entrance bracelets, he probably knows what he is talking about. I took a photo in passing, before going further away and sitting down to text someone to set up a meeting point for later.

At some point, a shadow fell over my phone. As I looked up, this guy was in front of me, hands on his knees, looking at me and asked me if I was okay. I told him yes (it was a lie), then he pulled my head toward him, kissed me on top of it, nodded understandingly and told me everything is going to be alright. We shook hands before he went on his way, but not before he put a smile on my face.

Maybe he was drunk, maybe he was high, maybe he was just a nice guy. Maybe he sensed a bit of my underlying blues. Regardless, I wanna be this guy when I grow up.

edit: I was more than not ok. I was so not ok, that I wasn’t in front of the stage, where I usually am. I sat sideways, trying to enjoy the concert, but feeling antsy and drowning in an overwhelming sense of loneliness, fighting to keep down unbid tears so I would be presentable when meeting a fellow blogger and perfect stranger between two concerts.

I do honestly not know whether he sensed that or not… but he did me a world of good in those couple of moments. I was coming undone from craving affection and just for a brief time, with a gesture and some words, he patched me back up.

Don’t worry ’bout a thing
‘Cause every little thing gonna be alright.

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