The Battles of Lion’s Arch

The following story is a fictional background story of one of the NPCs (non-playable characters) that players encounter in the game Guild Wars 2. The stories came about initially as a joke. I lead a bounty hunt in game every Sunday, and we take breaks of 10 minutes around every hour. A couple of weeks ago, a regular asked me to tell a story. I did a clumsy retelling of some quests in the game. The following weekend, I evaded with trivia. The third one, I had an idea for a story, told it, and it was well liked. For […]

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The Bridge Troll

In the dark, Audriana waited. And waited. And then, she waited some more. Waiting was something she had become really good at and darkness had long since become her friend. She was convinced that she could now see better in the dark than the cook’s cat ever had. To pass the time, she picked up one of the toy soldiers that lay about her and started polishing his shield with the hem of her dress. It was a very pretty, summery dress. If it hadn’t been quite so dark, you could’ve made out that it was a creamy sort of […]

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Lux and Nox

A former co-worker (with whom I had shared a passion for gaming) unexpectedly phoned me at some point in 2014 to ask me for help. He wanted to set up a Minecraft server and was working with a developer, but he needed help with the frame narrative. I have never played Minecraft, so he had to explain it a bit more in detail. Also, he wasn’t entirely certain what kind of world he wanted to create. I told him to give me a couple of weeks to think about it. So in the end I came up with the idea […]

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The Collector

He seemed to be in his forties. Or maybe not – I am a terrible judge of age, after all (like I am a terrible judge of many other things; like for instance, character). He had a cap on and his hands were buried deep into his jacket pockets. He was slightly hunched against the cold wind. His collar was up, but didn’t quite hide a grizzled beard. Can’t remember if he had glasses, but my faded memory seems to paint him with a pair. Two years later, and after I had only glimpsed him for a couple of seconds […]

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