when i look in my father’s eyes


I am absolutely terrified. A deep, primal terror that claws at my stomach at night, and puts a lump in my throat until I fall asleep on a pillow drenched in tears I cannot shed in daylight. I try to picture the moment when I find out you are gone (painfully aware that it might come before I get to see you again) and how it would feel to know that there will forever be a you shaped hole in my world and I cannot. I do not need your help or your advice anymore, I do not even need you […]

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10 books

published in 2015 on my tumblr There is a meme doing rounds these days about the ten books that had the most impact on you. And I see loads of heavy stuff listed there, very serious books indeed. Stuff like Marquez and Dostoevsky and Steinbeck; and I feel utterly unqualified to add my two cents of light-hearted enjoyment of mystery, adventure and wonder. For quite a while I fought the temptation. I gave in with a sigh one evening a couple of weeks ago when I started mentally composing my list. I then wrote it down a couple of days […]

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gonna be alright

published in 2015 on my tumblr (edits in red) This guy was showing the kids how to rock on right, as everyone was snapping pictures of them. Judging by the amount of entrance bracelets, he probably knows what he is talking about. I took a photo in passing, before going further away and sitting down to text someone to set up a meeting point for later. At some point, a shadow fell over my phone. As I looked up, this guy was in front of me, hands on his knees, looking at me and asked me if I was okay. […]

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just an earth-bound misfit, i

published in 2015 on my tumblr I am not at all a religious person. I wouldn’t even call myself a spiritual one. But if I were to pick the most spiritual experiences I had, they revolve around two types of situations and one exception. The exception happened in Thailand, on the top of a hill overlooking a wonderful landscape, with temples projected against the horizon as the sun started creeping up. That was an amazing experience. One of the situations where it might easily happen – that’s what good concerts do to me. I have had a few where I […]

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published in 2014 on my tumblr I like a lot of things. I love some things. And among all my likes and loves, I feel like butter scraped over too much bread (thank you, Bilbo). Like I am dilluting instead of devoting myself to something that makes me genuinely happy. I love traveling, but I have neither the means, nor the temperament to devote myself to it. It is one of the things I do to get away; because as cliché as it might sound, a change of scenery helps calm and clear my mind better than just about anything else. However, unless […]

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reviving the dead end

published in 2014 on my tumblr I absolutely hate it when I am feeling so irritable and unmotivated as I am now. Just about the only thing I dislike more is my constant bitching and whining about it. It is not that I do not like my job per se, but the general circumstance of it is shredding my nerves and no, I cannot let go of it all at 6 p.m. It has been going on for a while and it is taking its toll – with no sign of giving me a break till this year’s end. Milling […]

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the trick that doesn’t involve naked people

published in 2014 on my tumblr I have suffered from a rather severe form of that twenty-first century plague that is fear of public speaking. I’ve said it before that I don’t really like scenarios where all eyes are on me and expecting me to do something – I never did. Of course, the smart thing to do in this case would’ve been to put myself out there and kill a bit of that panic each time it came around, until I was comfortable enough with the situation to not break out in a cold sweat when it loomed on […]

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wayfaring roots

published in 2014 on my tumblr I have just installed a countdown app on my phone. And while I generally hold long countdowns to be masochistically frustrating, I am so burnt out that I am literally counting the days to my vacation and my week of freedom. So, according to my new app, there are 108 days (and 11 hours and 48 minutes) left till the kick-off of the Sziget festival. It will be my fifth time going and the third year in a row when I have an all-week pass – a week of enjoying carefree freedom without alarm […]

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right time, wrong place

published in 2014 on my tumblr I was born at the beginning of one of the best decades in human history. Sure, you had the Cold War raging for the first half of it, you had the Intifada starting, the war in Afghanistan and the Chernobyl disaster. But you also had unprecedented economic growth. You had the relatively peaceful downfall of one of the most noxious doctrines to hold part of Europe in its grasp. You had the birth of the technology that builds the foundation of today’s high tech society. And due to the economic growth and the social shifts, […]

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teenage mutant ninja turtles

published in 2014 on my tumblr Useless online pop-culture quizzes are a fun thing to do when you find yourself in dire need of procrastinating at work. So when I’m pretty much tied to the office chair but mentally unable to process any more work-related information, I do those to pass the time and numb my brain. My most recent stint of this kind made me find out who I’d be as a Marvel villain or in the Star Trek universe. The interesting one though was the quiz regarding which Superhero team I should be joining. I am certainly glad […]

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