soul on my skin

It’s been around five years since I plucked up the courage and got my first tattoo. I have a literal armful in the meantime and plans are in place and designs are decided for the other arm, because hey, I have two. I have had it relayed to me that someone (who apparently does not know me really well) was wondering what had gotten into me that I went and had those ink smudges done, and what is up with them anyway, as me and my tattoos don’t have anything in common. Which I find hilarious, as far as comments […]

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gonna be alright

published in 2015 on my tumblr (edits in red) This guy was showing the kids how to rock on right, as everyone was snapping pictures of them. Judging by the amount of entrance bracelets, he probably knows what he is talking about. I took a photo in passing, before going further away and sitting down to text someone to set up a meeting point for later. At some point, a shadow fell over my phone. As I looked up, this guy was in front of me, hands on his knees, looking at me and asked me if I was okay. […]

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just an earth-bound misfit, i

published in 2015 on my tumblr I am not at all a religious person. I wouldn’t even call myself a spiritual one. But if I were to pick the most spiritual experiences I had, they revolve around two types of situations and one exception. The exception happened in Thailand, on the top of a hill overlooking a wonderful landscape, with temples projected against the horizon as the sun started creeping up. That was an amazing experience. One of the situations where it might easily happen – that’s what good concerts do to me. I have had a few where I […]

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i want to reach out and touch the flame

It seems like a lifetime ago that I first discovered music through the blessing that was at that point in my life MTV. In many ways, it *is* several lifetimes ago. Like it happened to another version of me. It was a cultural shock of sorts. It not only blasted at me the music and videos of some legendary artists. For many aspects, it was also the first contact I had with the way life was happening for teenagers that had not grown up behind the Iron Curtain. Accepting and embracing wildly different world views is not that hard at […]

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feels like home

In February of 2013, me and a friend first came to Germany for four months – training for our new job. Maybe it would have been puzzling, if not for another friend who had already been in Stuttgart for almost a year and guided our first steps both through the city and our new department. The first adjustment was to the schedule of the stores, which are all closed on Sundays. This was a lesson learned during the first weekend. But you learn to plan ahead and around that. The second adjustment was the annoyingly slow internet. If I were […]

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