soul on my skin

It’s been around five years since I plucked up the courage and got my first tattoo. I have a literal armful in the meantime and plans are in place and designs are decided for the other arm, because hey, I have two. I have had it relayed to me that someone (who apparently does not know me really well) was wondering what had gotten into me that I went and had those ink smudges done, and what is up with them anyway, as me and my tattoos don’t have anything in common. Which I find hilarious, as far as comments […]

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wayfaring roots

published in 2014 on my tumblr I have just installed a countdown app on my phone. And while I generally hold long countdowns to be masochistically frustrating, I am so burnt out that I am literally counting the days to my vacation and my week of freedom. So, according to my new app, there are 108 days (and 11 hours and 48 minutes) left till the kick-off of the Sziget festival. It will be my fifth time going and the third year in a row when I have an all-week pass – a week of enjoying carefree freedom without alarm […]

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