the trick that doesn’t involve naked people

published in 2014 on my tumblr I have suffered from a rather severe form of that twenty-first century plague that is fear of public speaking. I’ve said it before that I don’t really like scenarios where all eyes are on me and expecting me to do something – I never did. Of course, the smart thing to do in this case would’ve been to put myself out there and kill a bit of that panic each time it came around, until I was comfortable enough with the situation to not break out in a cold sweat when it loomed on […]

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the prick of envy (and its side effects)

published in 2014 on my tumblr I learned early on what the prick of envy feels like. It feels like a rose thorn. It was at the end of first grade, I was merely seven and driven by that insane need to perform and outperform and not disappoint, so I had come out top of the class. And during the year end ceremony, the teacher had me stand in the front row because of that, which promptly made the girl behind me prick me with the thorn of a rose in her bouquet. So another layer was added to my […]

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no pain like this body

published in 2014 on my tumblr I know that virtually every human being that walked this earth since self-awareness is in trend has probably had some sort of issue with the shell they carry around. No one is ever fast, beautiful, tall, short, slim, strong enough, everyone has had the wrong type of hair or color of eyes at some point. What might have been an issue of survival or mating once, is now a major source of emotional distress and anxiety more than anything else. It seems that the more science and evolution free us from the constraints of environment, […]

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