trans soul rebel (vi): the lion’s den

So… I guess that even though I still have some doubts and even if not mandatory for transitioning, a visit to a therapist would still be in order, I have more or less found my identity. The question is, “now what?”. I can try to ignore the new-found name for the way I have been feeling all my life – for thirty seven years. I can go on as I have until now, I am not doing bad after all. No one ever needs to find out the truth behind my little quirks, I can pass as “normal” and cope […]

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relationship grooming and pruning

published in 2014 on my tumblr I am a firm believer that a relationship should be an enriching experience for all those involved. Any relationship. It doesn’t matter if it’s a romantic one or friendship or family ties. I do not believe in giving without receiving and taking without giving back. It might happen in the heat of the moment, it might last for a little while, but in the end it will crumble if it doesn’t do something for everybody. And that something is enrich their lives. Lend a hand, put a smile on their face, offer a shoulder […]

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