who are you?

I have played computer games for about twenty years now. I have slain countless monsters, armies, conquered empires, schemed and slaughtered the hell out of the pixels on my screen. In real life, I am glad my chicken comes pre-cut and pre-packaged in the supermarket, because I would be entirely incapable of murdering a chicken for food. My stomach kinda turns at the thought. Similarly, while plotting and conniving to overthrow a pixel empire is harmless, I am not capable of understanding how someone can do that in the real world – playing with the real lives of real people, […]

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reviving the dead end

published in 2014 on my tumblr I absolutely hate it when I am feeling so irritable and unmotivated as I am now. Just about the only thing I dislike more is my constant bitching and whining about it. It is not that I do not like my job per se, but the general circumstance of it is shredding my nerves and no, I cannot let go of it all at 6 p.m. It has been going on for a while and it is taking its toll – with no sign of giving me a break till this year’s end. Milling […]

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and if you listen very hard, the tune will come to you at last

So many things changed. And so many things stayed exactly the same. New horizons that immediately felt like home. Some friends stayed, some friends came, some friends went, some friends died. New jobs that are actually old jobs. New scars – some inked and pretty, some sown and ugly. Old loves that never die. New worries and ancient anxieties. Feelings of never having grown out of my old skin and feelings of having shed multiple layers since. Sometimes I don’t remember how the day has gone by and have no time to ponder it, some other days I do nothing […]

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