The Battles of Lion’s Arch

The following story is a fictional background story of one of the NPCs (non-playable characters) that players encounter in the game Guild Wars 2. The stories came about initially as a joke. I lead a bounty hunt in game every Sunday, and we take breaks of 10 minutes around every hour. A couple of weeks ago, a regular asked me to tell a story. I did a clumsy retelling of some quests in the game. The following weekend, I evaded with trivia. The third one, I had an idea for a story, told it, and it was well liked. For […]

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soul on my skin

It’s been around five years since I plucked up the courage and got my first tattoo. I have a literal armful in the meantime and plans are in place and designs are decided for the other arm, because hey, I have two. I have had it relayed to me that someone (who apparently does not know me really well) was wondering what had gotten into me that I went and had those ink smudges done, and what is up with them anyway, as me and my tattoos don’t have anything in common. Which I find hilarious, as far as comments […]

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trans soul rebel (vii): the pronouns conundrum

Pronouns are important. I get it. I just have a massive issue with them. When I think of myself, I think of myself in first person. I do not assign gender. That actually only ever comes into play when I am deliberately posing or trying to imagine myself. Otherwise, it is just “I”. Am I bothered by feminine pronouns? Not really… or rather, not by the words themselves, more by the reality they define. Even if I plucked up all my courage and came out to the world tomorrow, it’d feel silly asking everyone to change to male pronouns, when […]

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Lux and Nox

A former co-worker (with whom I had shared a passion for gaming) unexpectedly phoned me at some point in 2014 to ask me for help. He wanted to set up a Minecraft server and was working with a developer, but he needed help with the frame narrative. I have never played Minecraft, so he had to explain it a bit more in detail. Also, he wasn’t entirely certain what kind of world he wanted to create. I told him to give me a couple of weeks to think about it. So in the end I came up with the idea […]

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