reviving the dead end

published in 2014 on my tumblr I absolutely hate it when I am feeling so irritable and unmotivated as I am now. Just about the only thing I dislike more is my constant bitching and whining about it. It is not that I do not like my job per se, but the general circumstance of it is shredding my nerves and no, I cannot let go of it all at 6 p.m. It has been going on for a while and it is taking its toll – with no sign of giving me a break till this year’s end. Milling […]

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the trick that doesn’t involve naked people

published in 2014 on my tumblr I have suffered from a rather severe form of that twenty-first century plague that is fear of public speaking. I’ve said it before that I don’t really like scenarios where all eyes are on me and expecting me to do something – I never did. Of course, the smart thing to do in this case would’ve been to put myself out there and kill a bit of that panic each time it came around, until I was comfortable enough with the situation to not break out in a cold sweat when it loomed on […]

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the fucks i give

published in 2014 on my tumblr Sadly, the above photo is just wishful thinking. Nope, I do not have any kinky fantasies involving nuns, not even hotter looking ones than the granny there. I do have a really hot fantasy of myself not giving a flying fuck though. Figuratively speaking, of course, for there are also some fantasies about giving a flying fuck, literally speaking. Major chapter in the Great Book of Obvious coming up: all the stupid mental torment that doesn’t let me sleep at night is pretty real, but also pretty made up – by me, my stupid […]

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don’t bend; don’t break; baby, don’t back down

If I were to improve just one thing about myself… That is one of those uncomfortable self-assessment questions that I hate. Because in order to truly answer it, you must look in a really unpleasant mirror. Most of the times, I single out my willpower for the “needs urgent improvement” award. But now that I think of it, it is not really that. I can get my act together, if I find sufficient reason to do so. My real issue is that it’s just a bright blaze that burns out quickly. I am not a long distance runner. I want […]

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