trans soul rebel (I): the toys

I do not really know where to start. I know the old saying, “start at the beginning”, but that is easier said than done. What is the beginning? I cannot ever remember me as being anything else or feeling any different. Maybe I should start with the toys. My favorite toys were lego bricks, some plushies I loved dearly (a little horse called Johnny, a dog called Blondie whom I lost at a picnic once and a little lion whose mane I cut to make it grow back thicker – that is what they were telling me when taking me […]

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10 books

published in 2015 on my tumblr There is a meme doing rounds these days about the ten books that had the most impact on you. And I see loads of heavy stuff listed there, very serious books indeed. Stuff like Marquez and Dostoevsky and Steinbeck; and I feel utterly unqualified to add my two cents of light-hearted enjoyment of mystery, adventure and wonder. For quite a while I fought the temptation. I gave in with a sigh one evening a couple of weeks ago when I started mentally composing my list. I then wrote it down a couple of days […]

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right time, wrong place

published in 2014 on my tumblr I was born at the beginning of one of the best decades in human history. Sure, you had the Cold War raging for the first half of it, you had the Intifada starting, the war in Afghanistan and the Chernobyl disaster. But you also had unprecedented economic growth. You had the relatively peaceful downfall of one of the most noxious doctrines to hold part of Europe in its grasp. You had the birth of the technology that builds the foundation of today’s high tech society. And due to the economic growth and the social shifts, […]

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