

Interlude /ˈɪn.tə.luːd/ , noun: a short period when a situation or activity is different from what comes before and after it, according to the Cambridge Dictionary. The word popped up in my mind when I had but a vague feeling of what I wanted to say in this post. The feeling is still vague, so I expect it will be another stream of consciousness ramble with the sole merit of quieting my head for a bit, while I try to pour it all into pixels. The urge to write has been there, numerous times, but the act of firing up […]

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don’t bend; don’t break; baby, don’t back down

If I were to improve just one thing about myself… That is one of those uncomfortable self-assessment questions that I hate. Because in order to truly answer it, you must look in a really unpleasant mirror. Most of the times, I single out my willpower for the “needs urgent improvement” award. But now that I think of it, it is not really that. I can get my act together, if I find sufficient reason to do so. My real issue is that it’s just a bright blaze that burns out quickly. I am not a long distance runner. I want […]

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