10 books

published in 2015 on my tumblr There is a meme doing rounds these days about the ten books that had the most impact on you. And I see loads of heavy stuff listed there, very serious books indeed. Stuff like Marquez and Dostoevsky and Steinbeck; and I feel utterly unqualified to add my two cents of light-hearted enjoyment of mystery, adventure and wonder. For quite a while I fought the temptation. I gave in with a sigh one evening a couple of weeks ago when I started mentally composing my list. I then wrote it down a couple of days […]

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in the beginning was the word

published in 2014 on my tumblr In the beginning was the Word is probably one of the few phrases of the Bible that I wholeheartedly believe. I do not doubt for a minute that words have the power to shape the world and that it was words that have always done so. Words that have struck a chord, that have lighted a spark, that have lit up inspiration, have brought about enlightenment or unleashed fear – but always words. And it is always words that shape who we become as people – or lack thereof. It is the praise, the scolding, […]

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